Tuesday, September 21, 2010

For Gina

Castles in the sand... can be shaped again and again. xo


  1. phenomenal and PERFECT. I love the tone of that guitar so damn much that I can call it when I hear it. I am going to play your beautiful post enough times to where I will turn grumpy I'm interrupted from recalling this piece of art.

    thank you. writer.

    -ginab oxox

    WORD Verify: phowakin

  2. it's me again, checking back. I LOVE THIS! xo

  3. I am glad you like it, Gina.
    It's yours.


  4. This is lovely Dale! What a sweet thing to find for Gina!

  5. so happy you are back! I did keep this song and video on my mind as far as I could...down a hall on a gurney where I could see some light touching the floor from a window. An OR nurse was telling me that once I would be brought into the operating room, it would seem as though they were all coming toward me...but then all I heard was this song, the guitar especially, and then...out.

    THANK YOU everlasting.

    I'm writing a poem which I will let you see. A draft later in the week, this week...your name is in it.

