Sunday, November 18, 2012


wind howls
walls thump
fire crackles
soup simmers
cats curl
dog snores
and behind it all,
rock rolls ...


  1. Ach, I love it Dale. That is just perfect. The image that your poem evokes... wonderful! When are you going to publish, my friend! You are really a poet and a wordsmith!

  2. Oh, Val, you make me blush, but thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I often wonder if I really am all that much of a "poet and wordsmith".
    It comes too easy. xx

  3. Funny that. Koos says the same about his photography. Maybe you should join creative forces and co-publish :) xxx

  4. So incredibly evocative, Dale.
    I feel I'm actually sitting in front of that fire's soft glow, smelling the delicious aroma of simmering soup!
    Wonderful :)

  5. Thank you, Ygraine. It was a moment that just fit - a dreary late Sunday afternoon in November.
