Thursday, January 02, 2020

Taking A Cue

I heave a big sigh.
It is good to be back, but the early January black dog is round for its annual visit. I will embrace that dark being until it is time for the light to return.
The whirlwind of the Holiday Season has left and I am what remains; a bit scattered and worn. Jenny has left once more for her life in Vancouver. Bob has chosen to move on to beneath a his own set of eaves, and is in the process of boxing his belongings and gradually setting up his new home. Beth is doing her best to help her aging and recently widowed mother-in-law. I support and wish Beth all the best with the positive changes she is making in her life.
This being said, I have a need to do more writing; getting the thoughts and words swirling about in my head onto paper, so to speak. I enjoy the relative privacy and the quietness of this space compared to the noisy and busy places of popular social media, those pages of which are bombarded by such things I do not necessarily need, or need to know.
So, here it is. I have taken the cue and followed in the footsteps of two dear friends back to these pages. Thank you Anne-Marie and Gina! I hope to meet with others in this place, as well.


  1. The change in momentum from the festive and perhaps spiritual (ive always seen ritual in that word) season can empty a house suddenly, revealing open spaces perfect for writing. I'm grateful you're here and pleased you are writing. I'm typing with the gorilla noise of a television going. It's Friday night where I live, and rainy.

    1. Gina, festive and spiritual, indeed! It is a matter of managing my time that I must improve upon, but here is most private yet inspiring. Thank you and enjoy your Friday TV in the rain xx

    2. I’ve just noticed I can’t comment on Gina’s blog, as I’m not a team member, so Gina this is to say it’s lovely to see you blogging again! My blog address has changed, so if there’s a chance of connecting again, let me know? Xx

    3. Oops, Vallypee...I only just leaned how to permit comments (as in, in the third week of January of the new decade).

  2. That feeling of being bereft is familiar to me too, Dale. The black dog season, although I always feel it's unfair to dogs in general and black ones in particular. Like Gina, I'm glad you're writing and posting again. This feels like connecting far more than on other social media. But my, how have your kids kids managed to grow up, have their own lives and fly the nest since we've known each other. I find that hard to comprehend. Stay tuned to us as well as the TV, my friend.

    1. Ah yes, Val, but I can hug a dog; and it remains, without judgment while keeping me company xx

    2. As for the children, they grow up so fast, and I am happy to have them as friends now! xx

  3. nice post, Happy New Year :) I follow you on gfc #23 ,follow back?

  4. So strange, I have done the same...we are exiting the relative depersonalised space for one much more personal and enjoyable.

    1. Indeed, Cheryl. I've noticed social media becoming steadily more like a gossip line; with stories being twisted, untruths being tossed to whomever will bite, and personal opinions being unfairly stomped upon. This is like a breath of fresh air! xx

    2. Dale, you’ve said it perfectly! Just how I feel.

    3. Now I just have to fit it in between work and skiing! xx
