Saturday, May 23, 2020

White Light

The older I get,
the closer I feel
to the stars.


  1. Beautiful, Dale. The stars feel very far away from me at the moment.

  2. Interesting, Val. It was something different when it first came to mind, but turned into a bit of a double-entendre.
    I was thinking of how, the older I get, all these famous people (the stars) seem to become less of an enigma and more human (well, mostly...). It currently is so nice to see all these folks in their homes and living rooms; it brings them back down to earth for me.
    And not to mention the fact that we are learning more about the Universe and how the physics of nature apply to all.
    Just a thought, in a few words. xx

  3. Ah that is a good way to see it, but I am having the same experience. This thing feels like the Great Leveller...for people. I miss the twinkling stars from high (AZ 7000 plus feet up) - and I won't see them this year. You must live in a great place to see the real ones! x

    1. Thanks, String!
      And yes, the stars twinkle between the treetops and reflect themselves from the snowy peaks. One of the many beautiful things I love about my home xx
