Thursday, November 24, 2005


Fifteen more days!

And we are stuck in a weather inversion...

It has been almost two weeks since this low valley cloud settled in.
This is not the cloud that brings precipitation. It is the low fog that sits between the mountains and hangs over our heads delivering nothing but late sunrise and early darkness.
The wind is calm. The temperature hugs the freezing mark.

"Please, bring on the wind. Blow the valleys clear of haze.
Bring on the flakes! Ones of snow, that fill our days!"

We need snow...


  1. I hope you get snow, I could understand why you'd want it. :)
    "Happy Thanksgiving feelings without the -Pilgrims related-to-it"lol
    Good to focus on the positives, things to be thankful for.:)

  2. Let it snow, let it snow let it snow!
    I love it when it snows. It seems so beautifully quiet outside when it snows, yet you can hear teh snow falling so it isn't quiet. I love to go out walking in it.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Dale,

    I'm prayin for the snow too!

    You know, I really HATE winter and the cold. I much rather be at the beach reading a book. So I took up skiing so that the winter would bring some pleasure..My husband watches the forecast like a hawk..waiting for the first flake to drop!!!

    Sometimes I feel like a write in a "Morris Code". Like my thoughts are choppy, etc.
    I too am trying to hone my writing skills. I actually set about the task of writing about my late father. I don't think I will ever attempt to have it published, but it is a good exercise. He was taken away from me when I was relatively young, (19). And I need to make peace with the fact that his life was bigger than his death.

    P.S. blogging is a better way to spend time than gossipping about the neighbors!!!

    Oh yea, Lucy won socks. She was so thrilled.
    I forget, are you able to get WHOtv?

    keep bloggin!
