Sunday, July 09, 2006


There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth

It is called the Rainbow Bridge - made of many colours.

Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.

When a beloved dog dies, they go to this place.

Food and water are plenty and warm summer weather reigns.

The old and frail animals are young again.

Those who are maimed are made whole.

They frolic with each other.

There is only one thing missing -

They are not with their special one who loved them on Earth.

So they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops and raises its head.

The nose twitches... The ears are up...

And this one runs from the group.

You have been seen.

And when you an your special friend meet, you take them in your arms and embrace.

Your face is kissed again and again as you look once more into the eyes of your loyal and trusting friend.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together - never to be separated again.

This was given to us by a someone who knows how it is to lose a beloved golden retriever.

I took the photo of the rainbow on the evening Murphy passed away - from the very same spot where we watched the huge storm pass overhead later that night...


  1. Dale,
    Someone sent me this passage when Sheba died two years ago. I remember that it made me cry. I think the picture you took is lovely, and certainly fits with the spirit of this passage.

    I hope you're doing well.


  2. I cried while posting this, too, Anne-Marie.

  3. Aww! I cried while reading this! Very nice!

  4. Dale,

    Gorgeous pic, so sorry for you loss.


    I can't reproduce the word verifications in the box provided, nevermind in a blog comment. You'd think the *handicapped icon* would be of some value for a *blog dyslexic*


  5. Gulp, Dale, this is so beautiful..How lovely to think of having a reunion with your beloved pet. I hope I do one of these days...What a beautiful place too, and the photo is perfect..

  6. Hi Dale,

    What a wonderful posting. You bring tears to my eyes!

    Is there a Rainbow Bridge for all the beloved departed kitties too?

  7. the beast has risen...

  8. there are dark forces at work here dale...

  9. sent to currupt your soul....hang its ti late for that!..

  10. 666? Gulp...911, 112, 999!!! All of you!
