Sunday, November 12, 2006

Nine Weird Things... oops ten

1. When I sleep on my side, I always have to have the blankets tucked between my knees - I hate the feeling of my knees touching each other - they're too bony. It does pose a problem in summer when it's too hot to sleep with a blanket...

2. This one is from my husband. He says I run like a bunny - or a deer. Every few steps I have to take a leap into the air. That poses a problem when I play baseball, but I don't play any more, so it's a moot point...

3. No matter where I go, I have to have my lipsyl with me - I hate having dry lips. That only poses a problem when I don't have it with me...

4. Whenever I'm wearing socks and shoes, I have to wear my thick woolly thermal socks and I wear sheepskin lined winter riding boots all year round. That poses a problem only to others who think I'm weird...

5. I have to have my bedroom window open at night all year round, no matter how cold it gets - keeping in mind we have no heat in our bedroom. It does pose a problem when the window ices up over night and I can't close it in the morning...

6. When I'm at home I hate wearing clothes - I've learned to compromise by wearing a little summer dress over nothing. It poses a problem in winter when I have to go outside and split firewood or make a quick trip to the store...

7. I have been known frequent our local little store wearing only long underwear under a dress, and bare feet in my Sorels during winter...

8. No matter what, I have to drink wine from a wine glass - I simply cannot drink it from a tumbler nor any other vessel - although I have been known to toss it straight back from the bottle. It only poses a problem after spring skiing at the tailgate party...

9. I think Angus Young is hot. That poses a problem because he lives in Australia...

10. I don't think I'm weird at all...


  1. Dale, I am #4 and #5 on your list. My list is getting ever wider as I compare notes with my blogger buds...

  2. I have a friend who lives in Canada who is really weird. I thin kthat's why I like her so much. She's really into Angus Young, she's a fantastic artist...maybe you know her?
    ; )

  3. PTfan - you are the sweetest!
    I'd really like to meet her... ;)

    AM - so you're a true Canadaian, as well!

  4. I have #5 in common with you and I understand where #2 comes from. Dale is horse crazy, and when she was a kid she used to run around like crazy with a friend of hers up at the lake, pretending she was riding a horse - a horse that liked to jump. It was quite amusing and I don't think she's ever been in such good shape since.

  5. Ah so it all begins sleeping with the window open...much more makes sense now.

  6. Yes String, it lets in everything I need to grow...

  7. I'm with you on #1 Dale, but then that's why I HAVE to wear a long nightie - even in the summer! I can't bear my legs touching each other! Neither can I bare having my nose covered, so whatever the conditions, my nose has to be sticking As for the rest I'm afraid I'm almost opposite in a number of them. I hate being cold so much that I mostly go to bed in winter in socks, pj's extra blankets and all...and still have the window I agree about the wine though, even though I do drink out of tumblers, I'd rather not! Angus Young? Not weird, dear...just you xx

  8. i keep my windows open all year too and i hate not being able to see out in bed so i keep my blinds open enough to see..i bet you dont even wear undies for the never know could be handy as you never know who you might bump in to some derelicté type!..

  9. #3, #7 and #8 work for me. Except what I carry is called Carmex - same thing, I'm pretty sure. I have been known to throw a coat on over very little to run to the store, and my wine, when I drink wine, also must be decanted into a glass - beer is just fine from the bottle, though, as long as its ice cold....

    #2 is great! I love Lannio's explanation. I can so see it!

    I love fresh air, too; but like Val I've just got to be warm and since well, tag me and maybe you'll find out.....

    Very fun stuff!

  10. hmmmm...

    I sleep with the window open, and no blanket, almost always. It has actually got as cold as 14 F. here, before, but then....I'll close the window, pull on the blanket, and hug my wife.

    --Dan L.

  11. I can't sleep with the window open, unless it's very hot in the summer. My cats like to use it as a door, they'll scratch at my window until I open it to let them in, then I let them out of my room through my door.

    I always sleep with a body hug pillow, it's more comfortable for me.

    Looks like it's my turn to come up with a "9 weird things about me" list.

  12. Great weird things, Dale! I would love to have the window open at all times of the year, no matter how cold.....though I think I would get jeers from David...*L*

  13. dale ive had a shock you better come to my page..>:0(..

  14. Cool list - everyone is doing them now!

  15. How's our weird mountain woman today then?...;-)

    Have you ever heard that Dolly Parton song about the girl who loses her lover her baby and goes mad...She wanders the mountains naked for the rest of her days...true! She was very weird indeed..but then, poor lamb, she had reason..sigh

  16. Did she frolic naked in the mountain meadows?
