Monday, May 28, 2007

Faster than a speeding bullet...

I am on my new computer - with high speed internet, to boot!
It has been a long and winding road, but here is where I am.

My life has changed - very quickly, too, I might add - and I am desperately seeking a balance.

I know that will happen in time - and maybe not so quickly - but I believe good things are worth waiting for.

...and fighting for.


  1. Hi Dale,
    I hope the changes upon you bring you those good things you seek.


  2. Hi Dale, dramatic changes can be both good and bad. I hope that even while things look dismal, they will ultimately result in all the good things you deserve. As I said to Chaz, it is always darkest before dawn.

    One good thing though! High speed internet! Fantastic!!! You can whizz round cyber space at tremendous and record breaking speeds now.xxxx

  3. Yippee!!!!!..
    dale try and download the realplayer it only takes 5 mins and miranda hart will make you laugh..
    oh and in celebration of your new computer and full speed ahead connection..i give you..

  4. Meant to say..what ever the road your on dale we are here for you ..infact i'm standing by the roadside hitchin a ride...i'll talk you drive..

  5. Or you talk i drive..or you bunddle me into the boot bound and gagged!..
    ok..forget that idea...

  6. Ok, you talk, me and Gyspy will take turns driving, and I'm buying the tequila!
    Sweet girl, all will be well. You are a good person, a wonderful mom, a caring friend, an amazing human in general. I love you, and I am here for you, and feel secure in knowing that you are on the right path.
    If you start to doubt yourself, call me. You know my number, and I could care less about what time it is, so if you are feeling the need to talk at 3 a.m. you pick up that phone and call. I will talk on the phone or be on your doorstep faster than you can say Bob's Your Uncle. Or faster than you can download real player. Ok, a few minutes longer than that.. but you know what I mean!

  7. Ditto to what Stevie says - except to add that you're a wonderful sister too.

    This life is yours
    Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well
    Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly
    Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature
    Take the power to control your own life
    No one else can do it for you
    Take the power to make your life happy.

  8. All power and strength to you Dale. Quick is over-rated anyway, so take your time. I hope whatever fight you have on your hands has as good an outcome as you could possibly wish for. I'm sorrier than I can say though that you have to fight at all, and hope that balance comes to you soon.

    This high-speed internet is a pain - I can't type any faster!

  9. Dale, I have been watching and worrying, I suppose waiting for a clue as to what you're dealing with, but it really doesn't matter after all.

    I'm so sorry that you're struggling so much with..whatever it is you're struggling with.

    Balance and answers can be found at odd times and in odd places. I hope you find yours soon. All of us are here for you - and want you to be happy again!

    High speed internet has to be a good start!


  10. Dale, what with Gypsy and Stevie taking turns at talking and'm ready to come barging in at any time too! Or rather Argie Bargie is.

    I echo what Rache says too. Whatever it is, we'll all join hands across the world to help and support you. Luvs you lots xxx

  11. Hi Dale, good things come to those who wait? As the saying goes, I hope you find your balance soon.


  12. AM - It's a Yin and Yang thing - strength in resilience.

    Val - I have to always remind myself that it could be darker...
    lol you can barge in any time!

    Gypsy - I'd be happy to hand over the driver's seat for a change...left or right?
    Wee Angus..."my boyfriend's back and there's gonna be trouble..."

    Stevie - thanks for being there...I might need you, after all, in those dark wee hours of the morning.
    Wilmer to Windermere - give yourself 15 minutes...

    Lesley - I am taking back that power, but not without coming up against resistance, and that's the difficult part...

    Margie - it's not so much of a fight as it is standing my ground - even if it's unfamiliar ground.

    Rachel - all I can say is love your child(ren) and keep them as close as possible to your heart.
    They are worth the effort...and the pain.

    Grace - time and patience will certainly help create that balance.

    ...looking for my Libra!

    Thanks to everyone for your friendship and support.


  13. Gypsy...any such thing as free Real Player?

  14. Straight ahead dale...
    Oh and wee angus..

    He wore the shorts just for you..

    really r-e-a-l real player!

  15. Title for a song:

    From Wilmer To Windermere... 10.4 kms as the crow flies... It's a fifteen minute ride...

    Will the song be a hit? Don't know. But what I do know is I still keep a caring eye on you, Dale

  16. Gypsy - can't find it free...but I'm sure I will...

    I will think of you when I watch the next eagle soaring upon the thermals...

  17. The best to you with your fight. I had one about 5 years ago, didn't think the world could get any darker.

    Now it is gone, and the light has returned!

  18. Dale - I think the Real Player link through the Towser TV icon (PT's face) on the In the Attic homepage takes you to a free download - doesn't it? Give it a try.

  19. Apparently I have "compatability issues"...

    In more ways than one - LOL

    It seems that my "new and improved Windows Vista" is not compatible with many of the programs out there...

    I spoke with my computer guru last evening and he said sometimes it takes a while before some programs catch up with new operating systems.

    Now how advanced is THAT? I ask.
