My eleven year old son, Bobby, broke his arm the other evening.
Apparently he fell off a zip line, landing on his left arm and breaking the humerus.
It was a clean break, so needed no setting, and Bobby will be fine.
He and his younger sister, Jenny, are spending a two week stretch with their Dad and I was taking some me time - as directed.
After work that day, I went on a rigourous hike and then, after we returned home, had dinner on the deck of a local food and beverage establishment.
My mobile phone was in the car, so I was incommunicado for most of the day.
I am going to make this a wee bit about me right now, because I feel very guilty about not being there...
I miss my kids terribly.
This is the longest I have been away from them - they have been my raison d'etre for the past seventeen years.
Beth has been staying with me, because it is more convenient for her to go to work from here.
I enjoy her company very much, but it's not the same without her brother and sister here, too.
That is something that I will have to adapt to.
There is a certain connection between Bobby and me that I cherish.
He is such a gentle soul with an inquiring mind, an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a witty-beyond-his-years sense of humour.
I know his arm will heal, but my mothering instinct is strong and I want to be with Bobby so I can help him get better - I can't simply bury that feeling.
...there I was, doing something for me, and this happened.
It does shake my faith a bit.
There is rarely any time I am not available for my kids - but I wasn't that evening.
I know they are well-loved and cared for with their Dad - of that I have no doubt at all, but I do ache for them when they are not here.
I hope the feelings of guilt will soon pass - life is too short.