Thursday, September 07, 2006

Only in British Columbia...


  1. Click on the link to see what our weather forecast is...

    The full moon is huge and orange through the smoke from a great forest fire burning down on the U.S. border.


  2. Take care that you and your family don't take in too much of that smoke and lets hope the flames keep their distance! It would be a pity if it ruined the park that the forest fire is encroaching upon. Forest fires are not good - they kill too many mice. That's my job.

  3. How weird! Where I live, there's lots of smoke in the air. The weirdest part is there is not a single shred of news reporting a brush fire anywhere! I wonder if that's the place where it's all coming from?

  4. Hi Dale,
    this is not looking good!!!
    Take care

  5. Thankfully I've never seen smoke in my local forcast!

    That Keith tribute is touching that you posted.

    Good morning!

  6. Leo - the fire is far away from us.
    You should be waiting at the edge for the mice to come running...

    Chick - weve had smoke here from fires burning in Russia!

    Stephan - the fire in the photo is not the same one burning south of us. It is of a fire that swept through Kootenay National Park 3 years ago - that one was close!

    PTfan - I thought it was funny when I first saw the smoke icon on the weather page! We all miss Keith, even after 28 years.

  7. There's no smoke without fire....;-(

    ....that must be so wierd to see an icon like that on your weather forecast, Dale..

    Whenever I see reports like that, I feel sick about the devastation of the environment and the suffering of the wildlife.

  8. ooooh - yippee!

    I'll don my sexiest rubber suit and wellies...

    Quick grab the hose!

  9. Local Smoke?
    Hmmm... I don't believe I ever seen that in a weather forecast.
    The picture is quite beautiful though.
    Hopefully the fire doesn't get any larger and is soon extinguished.

    Hope your weekend is a good one.


  10. She's grown since I wore her last...

  11. but only in the right places..*nudge nudge wink wink* !

  12. Hi Dale,

    What the heck??! That's amazing. It looks like volcano ash to me!

    I'm glad the fire isn't very close to you. Nothing ruins a pretty autumn day like having your house burn down.

    How are all the back-to-schoolers in your household?

  13. now why didn't I think of that...

    there were firemen everywhere - even in the sky... helicopters with water buckets flying overhead to a fire in the backcountry.

    it was really fun to watch! year.

  14. not the helicopter - i mean the wife carrying race.

  15. Val these fires are started by nature's lightning and are left to burn out on their own.

    It's just sometimes they get out of control and threaten our homes and towns...

    The closest fire to us right now is about 30 miles as the crow flies. Closer to 90 miles by land - up and over and down up and over and down...

    Bobby just got home soaking wet. The derelicte chic firemen let go their hoses full of "no more tears" baby shampoo soap suds over the crowd at the fair...

    They do it every year - much to the kids' delight


  16. there are a couple of goodlooking firemen come to the recue here when the kids set the hedges alight...worth faking distress for anyhoooo...

  17. Demmit Dale, Even my best comments get lost behind the Trashington abbattoir on your blog.
    And brilliant they are, but repeating them time and time again is a bit much to ask.

    Well, you're not asking, but I forgot what exactly I wrote and what was so brilliant about it.

  18. Found the brilliant comment on your dust clouds again:

    "Oh no, not only here, but also downtown Manhattan on a clear day in September... 2001

    Just to be sure, have you seen the Witte Huis picture I added especially 4u, mentioning your name and all?"

  19. Koos, you are my hero!

    Remember that... ;)

    Gypsy, I agree that being a damsel in distress to attract the dc firefighters is brilliant!

    ... were you hiding behind the hedge?

    ...or was it you that lit it?

  20. Well, the wind's up and the smoke is moving out of the valley - I can now see across the lake.

    And I can now see the clouds in the sky, too.

  21. What a picture!!! Thank you for your b-day wishes. xx Grace

  22. what do you mean..they were not my extra large box of matches found on my person..they fell on me....

  23. Dale,

    You have never been, nor will you ever be a damsel in distress. You're far too brilliant for that.

    Love Lannio

    ps: danger = beer and blogging

  24. Hear hear, Lannio, she's a star in our blogosphere!

  25. Hi Dale,
    That is one amazing picture. Funny how things change just across a few little provinces.

    Glad to read that nothing is threatening you, well, maybe a few temptations with the chic firemen...


  26. Hi Dale
    Good news, Photobucket have accepted me as one of their customers. Now you can -if you like- view 50 images of that same trip by following the athe new link at the bottom of the page, or this one here of course.
