Friday, January 05, 2007

After Hours

This is a photo of the base of the ski hill last evening, as two of the big cats were passing by while grooming the bottom of the run called "Showoff".

No, not kitty cats...

Cats - as in large machines on tracks that prepare the snow on the hill for ski traffic the next day.

I apologise for the wee short posts as of late, but I've not had much time to post anything of great substance.

...I'm working on it.


  1. What a beautiful scene. The twinkling lights.

    xx grace

  2. Yes, I recall the trees half buried in snow, lights and sounds crisp on the frosty air and the crunch of snow under my boots (that I haven't needed now for two years!). That's a very lovely photo, Dale. Is that a playground?

    We finally got snow New Years Eve but only just under an inch. Very strange winter. The temps have been in the 50's (13C). The forcast for next week is more of the same!

    This is Iowa for pete's sake! It's supposed to be cold enough to freeze the derelictes off of polar marines this time of year!

  3. It's even more beautiful in real life, Grace and Chick.

    I love the sound of my boots squeaking and crunching through a layer of newly fallen snow, Rachel!
    And that is indeed a playground...
    I can't believe Iowa is not in a deep-freeze yet!

  4. I think my creative army has goose stepped off to join forces with Gypsy's...

  5. Aaaah, a beautiful scene indeed. I like those types of cats that groom the trails but prefer the kitty cat variety. And yours, I might add, is a precious one! Now that I'm getting back on my feet, I'm looking forward to changing my ticket so I can see that view in person once again. I'll keep you "posted" (haha - I love that pun)

  6. Wow Dale, what a lovely photo. I love the way the snow gives off a kind of eerie light to relieve the darkness, and the 'cats' look like huge fiery eyes. Wonderful image!

    It's absurdly warm for January here too. I even took off my coat today when I was walking Sin as I was just too hot!

    We're on the slips with Koos's barge again this week. It's having major surgery. My turn next month. This means we're both going to be a bit short on the posts too, so no apologies from you needed dear Dale. At least you are posting these lovely pics!

  7. Hi Dale,
    remember such a picture from my visiting long time ago in Austria. A great pic you made.
    It's very expensive to go skiing. I think it's better to save my money and then to go and see THE WHO (My kids and I hope this year will be some shows in Europe again).
    Take care
    Love and peace

  8. Hi Dale!!
    I want to wish you a very very Happy New Year to you and yours. You don't have to apologize for the short posts either. I haven't been around at all. Shame on me.

    I was looking for a kitty cat in the picture. Duh!


  9. You are obviously all about the ski! Snow in Colorado must be quite heavy, I understand.

    Have fun, be good!

    --Dan L.

  10. Unfortunately, I am not able to take credit for the night photo - I downloaded it from Panorama Mountain Village's site from their base area webcam.
    It is beautiful, nonetheless...

    Good to hear you are feeling better and getting back on your feet again - it's a wicked illness that has struck our Windermere.

    Val, I got worried when I first read your comment too quickly and thought Koos was going to have major surgery - it made my heart jump.
    I am relieved to hear that it will be simply his barge going under the knife...

    Stefan, we have a family season's pass to the ski hill and it's only a half hour drive to get there.
    We are very fortunate.
    I wish many Who concerts for you in the future!

    LOL Zoe - only from an animal lover such as you!
    ...and me.

    Yes Dan it is all about the ski!
    I appear to be consumed, do I not?

    Hmmm... maybe time to change the subject.

    Thanks to All
    Happy New Year!

  11. Oops, that getting well comment was meant for Lesley... :)
