Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Finding The Way

Seek; in the dark.
Learn; without thought.
Grow; despite oppression.
Laugh; in the face of despondency.
Weep; where there is only joy.
Thrive; in captivity.
and Soar; upon clipped wings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


That fleeting moment,
between darkness and dawn.
A silence,
that sheds neither
shadow nor light.

Monday, October 07, 2019


The shadows are dark,
And the sunrise is offering light.
The earth is thirsty,
And the dew is offering sips.
The mountains are cold,
And the clouds are offering hugs.
The trees are tired,
And autumn is offering rest.
The air is still,
And the wind is offering breath.
The day is spent,
And the night offers quiet slumber.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Choreography of a Fisher

the eagle
the osprey
wingbeat for wingbeat
swoop for swoop
wheeling and diving
then the fish drops
slipped from the grasp of the osprey
the eagle
like a rock
to rise again
with its plunder

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


As the moon’s bright orb
slides across my windowpane.
Soft breathing,
And counting heartbeats,
Lead me to the precipice.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


With all that is hurled upon us,
it can be difficult to believe
that kindness exists.

I am firm in my own belief

that the world exudes its own kindness,
and as a result,
we are immersed in it.

Be kind to the perceived unkind,
and seek the compassionate.

For they are there. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Correction Line

Occasionally, I sense the earth has taken a great shift.
But, in looking up, the stars are the same,
And the sun still rises in the east.
I then understand; it is I who has taken the curve,
And a new perspective launches into focus.