Spring has certainly not made its presence obvious here!
Last Sunday I was skiing in driving snow at the top of the mountain and a deluge of rain from midway down to the base.
Over the past week it has snowed one foot at the summit and rained daily down here in the valley. On these last three days of the ski season it does not matter if it snows!
The following is my I look forward to list for the final weekend of skiing:
I look forward to driving up the winding mountain road with my shirtsleeves rolled up, my windows rolled down and the breeze in my hair.
I look forward to skiing in slush and the hot sun.
I look forward to dodging rocks, scree and bare earth where the warm spring weather has exposed the true face of the mountainside.
I look forward to sporting raccoon eyes, a ridiculous-looking tan - the result of wearing sunglasses in the blinding sunlight reflected off the snow.
I look forward to burgers, beer and rock 'n' roll on the deck.
As it is now, a heavy mantle of fresh snow drapes the peaks and the gentle mountain wildflowers are loathe to present their fragile blossoms.
Although it is cloudy, windy and cool, we plan to persevere and make the trek back up the mountain three more times.
...we are still able to accomplish most of the items on the list - but not in the welcome warmth of the spring sun...
Dear Val
ReplyDeletePlease accept my apologies.
I deleted your comment by mistake!
I came here when I saw your comment, but it showed up twice.
I removed the second one, but when I returned they had both disappeared!
It did help me feel better to know it's not just us having a long winter/late spring.
Again, my apologies.
Here it is again Dale! The wonders of backspacing!
ReplyDeleteMy Previous comment:
Oh Dale! I so know what you mean! After having the bliss of really hot sun soaking into my bones, embracing and enveloping me all last week in SA, it's been hard to come back here and find the Spring STILL hasn't come.
The daffodils are out, though. Seems they are determined to make the effort, so I hope that in the next week or so, I'll be able to take photos of the new buds coming through, and smell the sweet scent of the first grass cutting.
For you, I'll pray for the last skiing that heralds the coming of spring, and then, oh glory, the summer!
Have a lovely Easter, Dale
Thanks, Val!
ReplyDeleteWe have don't have any daffodils or crocuses yet.
It's been too cold.
There's the odd brave shoot, but that's all. The grass is still brown & barely any sign of buds on the tree limbs.
A cold wind is howling in the valley, too.
At least there is no ice left on the lake.
We are at an altitude of 3,000 ft above sea level, so summer usually does take it's sweet time.
You, on the other hand are at or below sea level, I believe.