Tuesday, July 08, 2008

On the Horizon

I have made some important decisions over the past few weeks, and it looks as though the plans that I had simmering on the back burner are being heated up on the fore-front. I am quite excited and happy, and it appears that my patience over the last year or so will be paying off.

This fall I am going to take my Level I Ski Instructor course and I plan to teach for the local ski school over the winter! The head of the ski school has been encouraging me to do this for some time now, but I've had to wait until it was financially feasible. As well, I want to take my Level II in the spring.

I finally bought a new printer for my computer. My old one did not work with my new Vista (grrrr) program. Anything that I've wanted to print I've had to e-mail to Gene's computer and print from there. Not very convenient, but effective in the end.

We are also going to buy a really neat multi-compartment tent to go camping in. I was initially considering buying a truck and camper trailer, but, with my plans to teach skiing over the winter, we decided to take the less expensive route. Soon we will be pouring over all the outdoors catalogues then hitting the mountain parks.

When summer rolls around again, I'd like to do lawn and yard maintenance. Something nice and outdoorsey that requires more brawn than brain. After all, my brain could use a break...

And, on that note, I will leave off.
I have a cold glass of wine awaiting me on the deck before delving into making dinner.


  1. aah, enjoy your peace on the deck. So impressed with your ski instructor skills. I am a novice skier, but enjoy it so, and was so pleased with my instruction, I bet you are very patient.
    I have heard negative things about Vista. So feel your pain.

    be well, xox

  2. Oh well done Dale! That is great news and the fulfilment of plans you told us about some time ago. Go, girl!! And enjoy the feeling of contentment that comes with having made such decisions.....I've made a few of my own recently too, but so much has been going on over this side that my blog has reflected nothing of the turbulence and activity...must write more...must write more...

    oh and yes, savour the sips tooo ;-)

  3. Dale, this sounds like a period of exciting fruition. Very appropriate after your lovely "Birth" post too.

    It also sounds as if these things are for YOU. That's a nice shift, and not before time. You have been so patient, and worked so hard, and of course that will continue, but it's so good to see you taking some "you" time with the activities you enjoy, as well as working towards your personal goals. Go You!

  4. Hi Dale! Been busy as all heck at work but have a few days off to finally come around and say hi.

    Hope all is well with you and the family.

  5. this sounds fantastic!!! I am happy with you:) and tonight i'll share a glass of wine

  6. Glad things are coming together for you. There seems to be much more peace in this post than ones in recent months. Good luck and be wise.


  7. Nice plans you have! and regarding this: ".. I'd like to do lawn and yard maintenance. Something nice and outdoorsey that requires more brawn than brain..." we could need a helping hand here because the weeds took over our backyard and invaded our garden while we were in Helsinki to see Bruce Springsteen :)

  8. How nice that you'll be doing what you love on the slopes. In the meantime, enjoy the sun and the wine.


  9. Oh I miss the mountains...and feeling so close to nature every day. Your bear photo is amazing.

    Good for you on your decisions. They seem to sound right for you. I know you'll make a great ski instructor - who better than someone who loves the sport as much as you do?

    I'm also glad to hear that Beth is doing alright after all. Hayley will always be my 'Sweetie', too.

    Just wanted to say 'hi' and see how things are going with you. It's good to see you're moving forward and doing some things YOU want to do.

    There are signs of life in the Fire Swamp if you'd like to stop by and see...


  10. Dale
    It was really good to see you today... and I think you have made an excellent decision. Such transition for us both these days.
    I am very glad you are going to do something that will make you happy and feel like you are doing what you love. Who knows... I may just have to learn to ski...

  11. Hey, if I come some day will you teach me to ski properly please? I can only do cross-country with very bad telemark turns. I need work!

  12. ROFL!!! Rache, it might take a video to do the comedy of that scene true justice!

  13. dropping by to give love and hugs..


  14. Where are you Dale? Hoping everything is going well in your world, dear. We miss you here in Holland, so come back soon even if it's just to say hello. Hugs from Koos and I, Val xxx

  15. Hiya Dale,

    Hope those plans are firming up nicely for you. How's Beth going with her new car? Mads is taking lessons at the moment, and the thought of her driving around with all the hoons on the road (is hoon a Canadian word too?) terrifies me. Do parents ever stop worrying about their kids? No, I didn't think so.

    Hope all is well with you and yours.
    Biglove, M.

  16. Hi Dale, how are you? The girls and I drove to so. cal. thnks for coming by, always nice to see you.

  17. Blimey it's taking a long time to drink that glass of white!

  18. Hi Dale, so what's new dear...we miss you, so come back pleeeeease?

  19. Hi Dale!

    Just stopped by to say hello!

    Hope you're well.

