Tuesday, January 05, 2010


It is a difficult thing
to break the mould,
And all the while
remain intact.


  1. I like it! I also read something worth remembering last night, except I've forgotten it..lol.

    It was along the lines that if language changes and is enriched by the change then it is a good thing. However, if the changes diminish the language and reduce it, then it's bad and should be resisted. I like that as an argument against all those who maintain that just because people ignore grammar and syntax rules, we should accept it as part of our language's natural evolution.

    Phew, I didn't mean to write so much, but it did strike a core. Your expression here reminded me that economy of language is beautiful, but it's an economy based on wealth, not poverty.

  2. Yes .. economy indeed! It's lovely. I need to practice it. ;o)
