Monday, August 02, 2010


Do they not realise that the morning has barely unfolded?
They've been at it since before the sun chanced a peek over the treed horizon, but it now hides its face behind a smoky, leaden layer of clouds. Last night's rain has left puddles glinting on the deck that throw back the dawning grey, and there is a palpable dampness in the blue-tinged air.
The valley would be calm and still, but for the screaming and screeching emanating from the home next door. It seems they quarrel over the smallest of things.
I have duly made note of their names.
Eagle and Osprey.
Please, never let up the bickering!


  1. yes, lovely writing! The eagle and osprey as your neat.

  2. Oh my.... They are our neighbors at our summerhouse too!
    Sometimes they are effectively interrupted by another neighbor named crane... :)

  3. Thank you, String!
    And it really is neat, Gina - everything!
    So, Hans, do they speak Finnish or Swedish where you are? ;)

    We have Great Blue Herons, as well. I can tell them by the slow flap of their wings and the way their legs stick out behind as they
    sail past.


  4. no manners AT ALL!
    Kind of like alpacas that wait until your back it turned, or gone to the post office, to have a baby.
    little beggars.
    Ah well...
    hope other than that all is well!

  5. Oh dear, I missed this. Lovely piece of writing Dale. I love the twist at the end!

  6. They speak a universal squeek- and screech language :)
