Some of you were wondering what a potato gun is.
Before I go any further into my explanation, I would like it to be known that this instrument belongs firmly within the realms of the male psyche. It is one of many bonding rituals between men that occur around the world - another example being the ceremonial Australian barbeque circle of which Margie has spoken.
I believe the making of any particular potato gun begins with a touch of boredom on the men's part. While we women are busy with the housework, the cooking and the caring for the children, the boys are looking for something to do...
Hence, they seek out a long piece of PVC tubing, an assortment of plastic items that resemble bathroom plumbing and, of course, the all-important striker. It also involves a fair amount of drilling holes, gluing, taping and fitting all the above pieces together into something that resembles, well... a piece of bathroom plumbing. Once the gun has been assembled, it is the women's turn to be invloved when their male counterparts come searching for hair spray - the kind that has the distinct warning... keep away from open flame.
The firing instructions are as follows - place the potato over the end of the barrel and beat on it until the barrel has cut a hole through the vegetable. Use a broom handle, dowel or curtain rod to ram the spud plug down into the barrel. Go to a safe place - away from small children and pets. Spray one to two second's worth of hair spray into the open clean-out end of the chamber. Quickly screw the cap on the clean-out, aim high and give the striker a flick. Immediately a sound akin to a small sonic boom will follow, with one good-sized potato taking flight in the direction the gun is pointed.
As with most male bonding customs, it is quite simple...
* Many thanks to the Jersey Coast Sports Fliers page for the photo and to Steve's Potato Gun Page for the firing directions.
Hmm, this potato gun thing isn't going over real well..I think they're a hoot myself! But the male of the species in general is too, eh? Check out the last comment for last Saturday's post! See ya.
ReplyDeleteOH MY GOD RACHEL!!!
ReplyDeleteI had no idea you'd ever find me on a blog either, but trust you'd find me through the Echo...
There's been some wierd things happening lately - all good.
At first I thought you were someone playing a sad joke on me by commenting as Rachel Fuller, Pete Townshend's girlfriend, but I know better now.
How are you? How is Haley? How are things south of the 49th? ...in the flatland.
I've been thinking of you over the years.
Thanks for popping by and keep in touch.
Dale - I am, as they say, gobsmacked. All that creative energy and ingenuity ... I'm not showing this around - this could really start something here, and I need the gutters cleaned out.
ReplyDeleteI have a neighbor who has or had one of those contraptions. haven't heard it lately. I'll say it again...Men
Dale, you open my eyes to a world I don't even know exists. I think we need to get men to do more work.
that is a big gun...a potatoe gun in my day was a small plastic pistol that you shoved the end in a potatoe till you got a small bit in then and fired it out...
ReplyDeleteOut there you seem to have caught onto a male phenomena. Here all the guys are putting Menthos candy into bottles of Coca Cola. You should have seen them a few weeks ago ... men reverting back to being boys! For those who don't know - if you put menthos candy into coke, the coke will fly out of the bottle like a water fountain. Certainly not as creative as this potato gun - but still something crazy.
Luv L
Did I tell you that a potato gun will launch a potato up to a quarter mile?
ReplyDeleteNo wonder it was so hard to see where they went. They do become instant hashbrowns when they land though!
ReplyDelete...you've got wussy spud guns in the UK, Gypsy.
ReplyDeleteI heard that mum told you about my recent news. Nothing conclusive so far but will let you know as soon as I do. I went thru a major hurdle today and am tired - but still smiling. Fingers crossed. Should know more in the next couple of weeks.
Love you
Sounds dangerous! Those instructions seem a little complicated, like only professionals should fire a potato gun.
ReplyDeleteWow! Two comments from Rachel, That's Cool!
Dale, I'm starting my own blog! Slowly. It's your fault, you know.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the picture of you and Bobby. Your boy has the face of an angel!
Have fun with your fame. It couldn't happen to a better person!
Luego. Anybody out there speak Spanish? I'm working on learning it.
Yay Rachel...I just checked it out, but you don't have a post yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to blogging with you.
This is neat, isn't it?
I've got my profile up now. No post yet, but I'll put one up later.
ReplyDeleteBeaverdale Fall Festival is going on today and I have to get ready to go. Randy and I are in a taekwondo demo this afternoon. More later on MY blog!
Bye for now.
Oh Dale!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great thing, that potato gun. I want one!!!!
I'm a boy, I'm a boy
(that was our first contact, remember?)
PS Val says she wants one too.
It was all said tongue-in-cheek... I'm not a men-basher... I love them too much!
ReplyDeleteI do remember, Koos - when Rachel called you "she" on ITA!
...and I have to admit, I think the guns are fun, too.
ReplyDeleteC'mon...I never met a guy who has not set something on fire, played with electricity, jumped into some form of oblivion, etc. It is the nature, though ill advised in many cases, of boys becoming...men.
Potatoes do not qualify as an exeption.
I am blessed to have had four daughters. Saved me the trouble, there, but boy, oh boy, there are OTHER things! At least we ALWAYS have a fresh bouquet of flowers on the table every day...no kidding. I wish these guys would save their money, and slow up on the flowers.
--Dan L.
I thought potato guns were only southern things! My husband built one years ago and used to fire it at his dad's plywood shed. It (the shed) was finally replaced with something steel and Shannon was forbidden to fire about it. I shot it once when we were first dating and WOW does that thing have kickback!
ReplyDeletecompared to your flame throwers yes they are a bit sad..ill stick to water pistols or catapults..
ReplyDeletethe one in your pic though...now that would be a gun in the pocket!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Dale,
ReplyDeleteThe weekend has been great, thanks. Yours as well, I hope.
well, you are truly famous eh? Rachel has been at your blog? aaaahhh!! I'm jealous. Cool.
ReplyDeleteYou asked me how I found your blog. I just realized I hadn't answered. It really was quite simple after all. I googled 'Dale Foster Rachel Fuller' after reading the article in the Echo.
ReplyDeleteThere does seem to be some confusion - which is why I'm posting as 'Rache' and not Rachel anymore.
I hope the wierd things are still all good!
I've been really busy and haven't had time to do a new post...until then I guess I'll be stuck in mashed potatoes!
ReplyDeleteBTW "Rachel" is not Rachel Fuller - she is a friend of mine from a few years back with whom I had lost touch.
ReplyDeleteShe found me after reading the newspaper article about me...I'm still famous though - I keep getting stopped in the street!
Mmmmm. I like mashed potatoes!!