Tuesday, June 30, 2009


At midnight this evening our town will again host its annual display of brilliance to welcome the 142nd Canada Day celebrations.
Between the shadows of the Purcell Range and the Rocky Mountains, fireworks will once more reflect from the lake and illuminate the dark with their fiery bursts.
Our pilgrimage to the event traditionally begins at eleven thirty when we climb into the van and make our way to the public beach. Darkness prevails as we spread blankets and begin our vigil before the show. Fellow observers along the shore are dim shadows, their whereabouts only confirmed by mute whispers and quiet laughter.
Twinkling across the water, lights of white, green and red reach out to the dark horizon, as boaters silently jostle for optimum viewing positions.
The hush lowers, imperceptibly, as the hour approaches - followed by a surge of awe-inspired cries as the first cannonade of light explodes into showers against the night sky!

Happy Birthday, Canada!


  1. Wow Dale! Absolutely beautiful narrative. Ohhhhhhh Canada! Beautiful place, beautiful people.

