Friday, December 08, 2006

Never Never Land

1. I will never be able to lick my elbow... and not for lack of trying.

2. I will never give up drinking wine... it is such a nice smooth drink. I can sip lightly upon a glass in a social setting or simply at home while I am making dinner.

3. I will never miss a ski season on purpose... I will beg or borrow, but a season will not go by without me gracing the slopes!

4. I will never take illicit/recreational drugs... I have experimented in my youth, but my lifestyle has no room nor time for that. I also have to set an example for my children - how could I tell them to not do drugs as I puff on a reefer or snort a line?

5. I will never cut my hair short... I look too much like a boy. I think my hair looks better longer and I can do more with it when it has length.

6. I will never eat liver... I could never figure out how my Mum could go to a restaurant and order liver and onions - when at a restaurant I order something I really like.

7. I will never leave the mountains... they are such a part of me that it would be like ripping out a vital organ. I belong here.

8. I will never leave my toenails unpainted... my finger nails are not the sort to grow and varnish, so I leave it up to my toes.

9. I will never be without a vehicle... the rural area where I live has no public transit and the one taxi service is undependable. Having a vehicle is vital to our survival.

10. I will never stop loving and learning how to live life and doing it all to the fullest... take it from there.

11. I will ALWAYS love my children more than life itself!

* Never say never...


  1. Great list, our Dale! I specially approve of # 11 !!

    I guess I could add I will never paint my nails at all.

    My hands are far too often needed for messing around with oily engines and tools which would do them no good at all, while in the summer, although my feet are nearly always bare I am always painting and scraping old hulls which is not designed for having pretty feet, I'm afraid.

    The polish would end up spotted with paint chips and ingrained with rust. I have enough trouble keeing them clean, let alone

    Sad really!

    I can see, though, that we will never live will never leave your mountains and I will never leave the water ;-)


    Dale, I could put your #6 on my list too (I've just been tagged). You're lucky too - you have both mountains and that huge lake next to you.

  3. Nice list!

    I'm still working on mine. I can't use "I'll never get married again!" now. Hee.

  4. I apologize for not coming around more often. I like you list of nevers, good stuff.
    Just thought I would come by and say hello. hope all is well
    xx Grace

  5. BRILLIANT DALE!!...nice one....well ive done mine (coughs)..

  6. Hi Dale,
    Great list! I can't lick my elbow either!

    I've made my list, I wasn't tagged, but I was hinted to do one. I did tag ten other people to do one.
