Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I woke up at 3:00 a.m.
I got up at 4:00 a.m.
I did books until 7:00 a.m.
I got the kids off to school.
I worked all day.
We drove up to the ski hill after work and school.
We got our photos taken and our ski passes secured.
We stopped in the pub for a beer and snacks.
I drove back down the mountain.
On the way we picked up a ski hill employee - fresh from Sydney, Australia - on his way home.
We also dodged two vehicles in the ditch and another couple of vehicles stopped to look after an injured deer in different ditch.
We picked up pizza on our way through town.
I am now home, cosy in front of the fire, full of pizza and an ice cold glass of milk.
I'm ready for bed...


  1. Hi Dale,
    we have no snow here in my hometown. It's to warm. Hope the snow will come soon. Wish we have a white christmas.
    Hope you feel good.
    Love and peace

  2. sounds lovely..not long now!!!...ski run beckons..

  3. You maybe pooped, however, I bet you'll be really pumped on Friday. Have fun.

    From your envious sister (the one with rubber legs)

  4. Our snow came and left already.

    Here's to the ski season coming soon!

  5. Sigh, pizza, ice cold milk, in front of the fire...Can there be anything cosier?

    The final days will just slip away!


  6. Hi Dale, thanks for dropping by, my friend. I'm swamped in exam papers at the moment, so feel like I'm drowning in grammar gaffs and silly sentences..I have to do a quick post cos I've been tagged by my favourite cartoonist..but mostly I'm not blogging much at the moment. Love and hugs xxx

  7. Sheesh..how blind! I loved your post and totally forgot to say so. Great way of describing a special day - hope the deer was alright in the end? xx

  8. Ski passes and pizza. Sounds like a good day to me.

    Sweet dreams....swhoooosh shoooosh swhhooosh she smilessszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  9. you have been flaunting your knickersa at koos..

  10. Invitation: come back to my page once more, I've added an essential thing for this season. It might cause you to come back again and again.
