Saturday, August 22, 2009

This little piggy went to market ...

The weekly Farmers' Market was a feast for the eyes, nose, tastebuds - and sore feet.
We wandered through stands loaded with fresh fruit, vegetables and bakery items, arts and crafts, hand-made jewelry, trinkets and carvings. Buskers were on every corner, sending their soft melodies out to wind through the marketplace and the aromas of brewing coffee, baking breads and hamburgers twisted tantalisingly about our heads.
I came home with ten pounds of baby potatoes, a bunch of carrots, two huge green onions, half a dozen cobs of corn, three pounds of tomatoes, one large English cucumber, two cloves of locally-grown garlic, a baby yellow watermelon, a pint of juicy blackberries and four loaves of different Artisan breads...


  1. Wow Dale, the freshness wil be too much for you and you'll have to take three hamburgers as an antidote ;-)

    Sounds scrummy though, especially the bread. I'm addicted to bread....

  2. I started a garden out here, but it was so rubbish with rain all summer that my tomatoes died...but do have corgettes, will have cucs and pumpkins...apples on the trees and plums...heavenly...enjoy!

  3. It all looks delicious. When is dinner? mmmm, fresh bread!


  4. Ooh, I want some of that bread with butter.

  5. Yummy! Makes me think I should go to the market this week, but not before I finish all the roadside veggies that I bought on my way back home thursday. I love this time of year when everything is local and so fresh!
