Wednesday, July 05, 2006


The burning question...


  1. The ability to ask the question "Why?" is what separates us from the other animal species on earth.

    The ability to answer that question...

  2. aha..why the question...and do we always want to know the answer...hmmm dilemma..

  3. to be or not to be that be the question...

  4. whether it is nobeler in the bollicks to stand out on a freezing cold night or jump in a bath of hot oil..hmmmm

  5. The ability to answer that question depends on how much wine I've imbibed...definitely something that seperates us from the other animal species!

  6. When I saw it, I was thinking, "Oh, what now sweetie?" Like something else bad happened and you were wondering why.

    I've been asking why a lot lately, cuz things keep happening and I think they are bad, but they are really turning out to be good. God is in control is the lesson I apparently signed up for, so it seems through all I'm going through. All kinds of things that seem like road blocks and get me stressed, I find out later were really God helping me out. The most recent is that God just saved me from a $350. mistake on Monday. I didn't realize that until today.

    My friend/elder at my church just talked on the phone for me to some people today and afterwards gave me some counsel on what to do next. He also told me to chill and get out of panic mode because I am not in a panic situation. (I think I am!) He told me to be patient and not to rush into something . Patience is not one of my strong points, and that has gotten me into less than favorable situations. So I will try to learn and try to chill. I will trust him because 1) he is my friend 2) he is a spiritual leader in my church 3) he is a successful entrepenuer and is wise in financial things. Covers all the bases for me.

    Why? Why? Why does God love me? Why does He look out for me and help me even when I make stupid mistakes and sometimes forget about Him? Why? Because he does, He says so in His Word and He always stays true to His Word. Why? Why do I sometimes think that God has forgotten about me? Why do I not trust? Why do I think He is gone when He is there all the time? Why after I figure this out, do I revert back to the same negative thoughts? Because I'm human I guess. Why am I not stressing out right now? Why am I at peace when my circumstances are kinda crap right now? Because God loves me. He's with me. He has my best interests in mind. He's in control. I can trust Him. Shew. Thanks!

    Hey girly, I sent you an e-mail!

  7. Gypsy - I see you're waxing Shakesperean on me... ah yes, & shades of St Vitus, too.

    Val - funny... I've solved all the world's problems over a bottle of wine a time or two.
    The simple fact that we drink wine separates us, too...

    PTfan - God, or whomever we call that spirit, is in all of us...

    ...Ikapikapoo has a nice ring to it!

  8. dale the marines are back on rescue missions..

  9. you just had to brag about the yorkshires didnt you..we never get to rise...we are flat as a witches tit!..

  10. Sometimes a why turns into a WHO.

    Speaking of 10,000 peaks...
    The beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains are a pleasure to behold. I know you are in that "other" area, but if you have not been to the Sierra Nevada, you must give it a shot.

    --Dan L.

  11. I am not sure I want to always know the answer to the question Why????

  12. Hi Dale,
    I'm back! I can see what I've missed while I was gone. For a second when I saw this post, I wondered "What happened?"
    This particular question has a possibility of several answers, but which answer is the correct one? Very mind boggling!

  13. I would rather ask: why not? It's an easier rebuttal.


  14. Why me? I ask most of the time.
    OR, for recent events, Why NOT me? ;)

    I'm tired of the why's and what-the-hell's...

