Monday, October 24, 2005


Today I'm feeling a bit under the weather.
I stayed home from work & napped a lot of the day.
I simply hate not feeling well. I am so poor at it. If I could, I'd feel over the moon every day, but that is so not possible!

The day has been a rather pensive one.
I have arrived in the Land of Non ahead of schedule.
When in Rome do as the Romans so, as of today, I am a non-drinker - one week ahead of time.
Will the ride be bumpy? I don't know. I guess it all "depends upon my dependency."
Am I all that dependent? I don't know. "Mother's little helper" can be devious.
Can I be even more devious in return? I hope so.

It is entirely up to me to decide what the answers will be...

The good news is, the teacher strike is over!
My children are back in school getting the education they deserve.

It's been mighty quiet at home today...


  1. Hey Mrs. bored, sick and sober...Check your e-mail!

  2. You know what? I was never addicted to alcohol (I never drank enough to become addicted) but even though I wasn't, when I was abstaining (sp) sometimes I would think of how nice it would make me feel and how good it would taste, but when I finally did have a beer, it did not give me the desired effect and it didn't taste as good as I thought it would. And even though I only had one, in the morning I did not have a hangover (goodness that would be pathetic if I did!) but I felt that little dehydrated feeling. So it's really not worth it. When you start thinking those thoughts, focus on the good that you want. Don't continue thinking of the alcohol that you are trying to rid yourself of. You have reasons for wanting to quit. Focus on those. Dont' be lured away. Listen to Rachels song Eat Me. Or Wonderland. Whihcever version you have. Remeber Rachel giving up the smoking, which seems like an incredibly nasty venture. Think of me, in your corner rooting for you knowing that you can and will do it!!! You go girl!!!! I'm proud of you!!!!

  3. Hey Dale, A quiet day, that's a good thing!

    I'm proud of you for deciding not to drink. If it's an issue with you, then you are wise and brave to address it. Yeah!

    You mentioned that your whole family skis. Have you ever had any skiing accidents? I grew up in Vermont, where almost everyone learns to downhill ski. I learned, I loved it, and then I broke my left leg (in three places!) skiing. That was my last downhill skiing adventure.

    I tried cross-country skiing after moving to Minnesota, but it's not the same rush.

    Now I'm wondering if I'll ever return to downhill skiing. Am I too old?!

    Anyway, the question was: Have you ever had a skiing accident? Do tell!

