Thursday, December 15, 2005

FEELING BETTER (about myself)

This is a photo of one of my favourite couples! I would also like to consider them friends.
They have brought to me music, wonder and even a little intrigue.
As artists who are in the public eye, they have managed to remain "normal" - from my point of view...
They help make me feel happy!

Now, to change the subject entirely...

I think I am going through that middle age mother thing.
I am beginning to spread around my own middle - oh, Lord help me! I admit it.
In recent months I feel as though I have been "letting myself go". I have gained more than a few pounds - and I don't mean the UK equivalent to our dollar! Ten pounds, to be exact.
And then there are the ten pounds I gained over the two previous years...
I have been fortunate enough to look younger than my years over the course of my life. I believe that comes from having a positive outlook and a healthy, active lifestyle.

The past year though, I have been staying home more and more. Therefore, not allowing myself to breathe fresh air, exercise my body, or feed my soul.
Financial matters have become worse, although I know they will improve in the long run.
That can be a huge strain on one's well-being.

I have begun a bit of a self make-over recently.
I have managed to cut back on my alcohol consumption considerably.
I was going through denial of what was happening in my life.
"Let the alcohol take care of my troubles..."
Before long the alcohol itself becomes trouble - I am no idiot and I know full well what I was doing.

I now feel much better, both psychologically and physiologically.
The troubles are still there, but I am able to meet them head on and I am dealing with them.

It has, in actuality, been a very interesting experience. I can now see how and why one may be easily drawn in to alcoholism.
My eyes have been opened and my mind has taken recognition.
I am very lucky.

I will now bare my soul with an excerpt from a piece that I wrote to myself several months ago:

" Why am I writing this? Why the need to change, if my life is good? I believe I can do better and be a better person. I have slipped into a lifestyle that is not productive and potentially destructive. During the past year, I became overwhelmed and I began to avoid facing day-to-day life. My own expectations of myself grew to unreasonable proportions and I figuratively jumped ship.

And I landed smack in the middle of a wine bottle...

To be honest, it is not a bad place to be - some of the time. That is the reason I ended up there. I could simply wrap myself in the state of euphoria the bottle had to offer and muffle the world around me. Unfortunately, that state does not exist forever and the little things I was attempting to ignore piled up in front of me. By the time I slowly opened my eyes again, those little things had grown into a mountain.

It was a short dive back into that warm, fuzzy bottle...

The odd thing about what was happening was that I knew what I was doing. It was not as though I had no choice. I walked into this with open eyes and my head held high. I take full responsibility for my fallen star. I also take full responsibility for my education.

No event in life is for naught. There is a reason for every happening, no matter how great or insignificant in appearance. Every moment has its threads that create a web for the fabric of our lives that radiate from us, moving out to become our lifetime. I discovered that there is no particular point that one can define as "the" moment, for they are all woven together to create a whole that is constantly shifting and changing. I found myself searching for that elusive point at which to alter my direction.

An apparent lesson in futility that washed ashore in yet another empty bottle..."

It has been an undulating road since, but I believe I have been successful in my endeavour!

I do not regret the experience.
It is part of my life and has helped to mould who I am.
It is something that I will bring with me for the rest of my days and, most importantly, I have learned from it.

I will now apply that lesson to help create a simple, healthy diet and an exercise routine for me.

My challenge to myself is to lose twenty pounds by July 2006 - and have fun doing it!!


  1. I wish you the best of luck in loosing the 20 pounds. If I lost 20 pounds a good puff of wind would blow me away. Smile.

    Just goes to show that what don't kill you makes you stronger.

    Please stop by and join us Saturday at BallerinaGurl's.

    Peace, love and light to you and your family.

  2. Dale

    I had a similar ephiany last May. I let the pounds pack on too. Not because I was tring to avoid the world more because I forgot I was in it. I have tried to get back in to shape many times since the birth of my last child (5 years ago) but I was never successful, this time I was and I am not sure why? I guess I was just ready, you have to be in the right "place" to commit to getting yourself back and to me it sounds like you are in the right place. I am very proud to say that I am exactly the same weight I was when I was 21 years old now and I am in very good physcial condition and damn it I look good too! I have a hard time not running around in my underwear all the time because I feel so good about myself. I actually may even look better then I did at 21 since childbirth gave me a few curves I didn't have back then. You will do this, you've all ready started!

    It was nice meeting you in Molly's chat room


  3. Wow Dale. That is striking and profound. You know what, thank God that you were and are able to see. That is just amazing. I am so stinking proud of you. Truly. I also feel honored that you shared this with me (and the rest of the world). I am grateful that you have let us into your life in such an intimate way. I really enjoy getting to know you. You are super. It's too bad we live an entire country away. If we lived closer we could get together sometimes. Perhaps someday we can meet in person. I don't see that in the near future though.

    One step at a time Dale and you have made some really great steps (yes, plural) so far. You have gained wisdom from these times and revelations. I am glad that you are not ashamed of them. They do in fact help to mold you into who you are. And I think who you are is pretty wonderful. I've been through some pretty helacious times and I tell you, I wouldn't trade them for the world. Were would I be if I had not gone through what I have? Who would I be now?I do know that I have come out better on theother side. I try to carry those lessons with me on my life's journeys.

    By the way, I have gained some weight.Well, I actually weigh the same but it doens't look the same. I am 36 now and I hear that around that age the body and metabolism changes a bit. I guess I too have to change my eating and exercizing habits.

    Thank you, as always.

  4. Hello Dale,

    What a beautiful post, and what a beautiful little community we have. To open our hearts safe in the knowledge that we will find support.

    You are very brave to talk about your problem. I hope you remain strong! Good luck with the diet. Now, that's something that needs willpower of steel!

    You've asked me how come I decided to live in the UK.
    Answer: dream of a lifetime, I fell in love with London even before I ever visited. Previous life? Was I a Mod girl and fell in love with Keith Moon? Most possibly, since I am still, LOL.

    More Xmas tree pics over on mine in 30 minutes!

